Friday, November 14, 2014

week nine, technologies and assessment

Self-select into ONE of three groups based on a learning domain by signing in to the group forum. The facilitator will start a sign-up thread within each forum to ensure that all three domains are being handled for the week.
  1. Cognitive Group
  2. Psychomotor Group
  3. Affective Group

  • Think of something that would be taught within the domain you have selected;
  • Create a learning outcome to describe the learning that would be demonstrated;
  • Describe a traditional way in which you could evaluate the outcome formatively or summatively;
  • Determine an alternate way in which you could evaluate the outcome using a technology tool. If the technology or the tool is specific and might be unknown to everyone, describe the tool and how it can be used.
  • Alternatively, you may wish to identify the use of a technology tool for either formative or summative assessment of learning where a traditional method is not practical.
  • What areas of your design could benefit from blended learning activities?
  • Is there a place for an online task or research project?
  • How could you use technologies to enhance both formative and summative evaluation strategies in your course? What technologies specifically might you consider?
Domain: Cognitive
Topic: The benefits of hand washing
Outcome: The learner will identify the benefits of hand washing.
Traditional way of assessment: A written quiz.
Alternate assessment strategy using technology: Socrative quiz. This is an online test taking tool that will send a copy of the results to the teacher in an email. It is free to sign up and create tests and quizzes. Students sign in to the student site and log into a "room" number that correlates with your teacher site. The teacher makes the test available and the students complete it using their devices. This could even be a smart phone.
This tool could be used as a formative or a summative evaluation tool. I think that using a multiple choice format might be a better formative assessment strategy and a fill in the blank questionnaire would be more suitable to a summative evaluation as it demonstrates a higher level of knowledge.

There are many opportunities for myself to use a blended learning approach in my own design work. As the subject matter is using technology to educate, there will be many opportunities to try out technological tools and integrate them into the course work outside of the classroom setting. Online tasks such as blogging, using Google Drive as a collaborative tool or creating a video trailer would be excellent and fun ways of integrating tech into the design.
I would consider using the Socrative tool in my design. As well, I would consider making comments and providing feedback in the programs that I am asking my learners to use such as Google Drive and Blogger. Using a discussion forum can be a place for assessment and feedback as well. Rubrics can be made in a digital format and shared with students completely online as we have in this course.
Here is a link to a site that lists 26 online assessment tools:
I have used the Socrative and also the Poll Everywhere app which is a neat tool for small polls in a group using phones. As I said earlier, there is a wide array of tools to consider. Choose ones that fit your materials and objectives and ones that you personally enjoy using. Be proficient at a few good ones and leave the rest. :)

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