Sunday, November 2, 2014

week seven, Janes advice on development

If you are faced with lots of 'content' and challenged to have a comprehensive set of learning outcomes at high levels of learning, consider having a hierarchy... I use a software program that supports 'Performance Based Learning' and the hierarchy looks like this:

Course Goal (almost the same as a Course Description)

Course Competencies - 6 -10 competencies for a 36H (1 credit course), written at 'application level' or above (hence the name Performance Based)

Learning Objective - up to 20 learning objectives that support (in terms of content and foundations) the attainment of a course competency AND likely predicts the content of the learning plan AND often informs the criteria for the competency

Performance Standards (aka Conditions and Criteria) relate to the course competency and the course competency is what we evaluate.

AND, YES, it is hard to be specific about the assessment task and criteria early. However, resist the urge to develop content before you are sure about your learning outcomes and assessment tasks. As subject matter experts it is VERY tempting to teach everything, when the learner only needs to demonstrate the competency.

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