Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Technology for the Educator
Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course the learner should be able to:

1. Define the value of technology in education

2. Describe how technology can enhance the educational experience

3. Demonstrate Display the ability to navigate the use of several technological tools.

4. Interpret a variety of technological tools.

5. Distinguish the appropriate technological tools for encouraging learning in a variety of educational settings.

6. Identify Clarify methods of using technology for education.

7. Compile Compose a list of pedagogical tools to enhance pedagogy.

8. Evaluate Review the efficacy of tools in relation to educational outcomes.

9. Interpret the meaning of terminology used in educational technology.

All outcomes are written with terms associated with the cognitive domain. I have added words for the psychomotor domain in red and words for the affective domain in blue. As directed I have added just two for each domain.

I think I need to review the outcomes as I have written them to ensure that they meet the criteria of having the four elements of: who, what performance, conditions and criteria. Should it look like this?

1. The learner (who) will define (what performance) the value of technology (condition) in education (criteria).

November 8th: revised outcomes after Janes critique:

Name of Course: Technology for the Educator

Learning Outcomes:
(level of cognitive domain in parentheses)

1. Define the value of technology in education. (knowledge) (LIST THE DRIVERS OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM)

2. Describe how technology can enhance the educational experience. (knowledge) (COMPARE AND CONTRAST HOW LEARNING IS DIFFERENT WHEN SUPPORTED BY EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY)

3. Demonstrates the ability to navigate the use of several technological tools. (application) (SELECT AN APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGICAL TOOL FOR A LEARNING NEED)

4. Interprets the meaning of terminology used in educational technology(comprehension)
5. Interprets a variety of technological tools . (comprehension)

6. Distinguish the appropriate technological tools to encourage learning that will transfer as skills outside of the formal learning space. (analysis)

7. Identify methods of technology used for evaluation. (analysis) (CLARIFY METHODS OF TECHNOLOGY USED FOR EDUCATION)

8. Compile a list of technological tools to enhance pedagogy. (synthesis)

9. Evaluate the efficacy of tools in relation to educational outcomes. (evaluation)


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